Welcome to The Assembly Store, your go-to destination for comprehensive, engaging, and impactful assembly resources designed to inspire, educate, and motivate students of all ages. Whether you're addressing core values, current affairs, or essential life skills, our meticulously crafted presentations and supporting materials will save you time while delivering meaningful, memorable messages. Explore a wide range of topics tailored to spark curiosity and encourage positive action, all in an easy-
Welcome to The Assembly Store, your go-to destination for comprehensive, engaging, and impactful assembly resources designed to inspire, educate, and motivate students of all ages. Whether you're addressing core values, current affairs, or essential life skills, our meticulously crafted presentations and supporting materials will save you time while delivering meaningful, memorable messages. Explore a wide range of topics tailored to spark curiosity and encourage positive action, all in an easy-
This updated 35 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group. It gets students to understand what behaviour is and how it can be managed. that looks into why we behave the way we do, what can cause bad behaviour, why good behaviour is important, the impact bad behaviour can have and how we can manage our own and others behaviour.
. It covers the following:
What is behaviour?
Informative video
Can we change how we behave?
Why is good behaviour so important?
The impact of bad behaviour
Learned behaviour
Passing it on
Top Tips on how to behave in school (including: listening to teachers, following instructions, avoid haters, etc.).
How to manage behaviour
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
This 18 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group to highlight Ofsted’s definition of British Values and their importance to us in the UK. The assembly looks at Democracy, diversity, law, freedom of speech and why we should be proud to be British.
The Assembly includes:
An introduction to British Values
Informative Video
Democracy (info and video)
Rule of Law (info and video)
Diversity in Britain
Freedom of Speech
Why we should be proud to be British
Inspirational Video
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This thought-provoking 27 slide assembly focuses on the popularity of social media, the harm it can have to an individual’s health and challenges students to make a positive change.
This assembly covers:
Popularity of social media
Inspirational video
A look at popular social media platforms with statistics (including: facebook, Instagram, snapchat and twitter).
Time spent online statistics
Social media and mental health
Tips to use social media responsibly
Second inspirational video
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This 20 slide assembly looks into the reasons why it is important to choose good friends.
This assembly includes:
What is a friend
Informative video
Qualities of a friend
What impact can a friend have on us?
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This informative 33 slide assembly looks at diversity and why it should be celebrated.
it focuses on:
• What is diversity?
• Why is it important?
• Informative Video’s
• Why are we different?
• What makes us unique?
• Celebrating diversity in the UK – Statistics
• Top Tips on how you can support diversity
• Reflection
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This updated 34 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to students in their final year in education. This Assembly is the perfect way to give Y11 students a head start in understanding how they can best prepare themselves for the year ahead.
The assembly covers the following:
Introductions to Year 11 and common feelings that students have going into their final year.
Top Tips to ensure their final year is a success (including: time management, organisations, being proactive, asking for help, looking after themselves, etc.).
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
This 23 slide assembly can/should be delivered to all students from all years. It is informative and powerful. It is important that students understand what different forms bullying can take, the impact it has, what they can do to stop it and how to seek help.
It covers the following:
Inspirational video
What is bullying?
Bullying statistics
Forms of bullying (details provided on: verbal, social, physical, and cyber).
When does bullying happen?
Impact of being bullied/being the bully
Tips on how to stop bullying (including: treat others with respect, if you are being bullied, if you witness bullying, cyber safety and lead by example).
Inspirational video
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This 22 slide assembly looks briefly into the employability skills that employers are looking for and how we can improve these skills.
This assembly covers:
What are employability skills?
Top 10 employability skills
How can you improve some of these skills?
Personal Reflection questions
Quick Tutor Time follow up activity
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
A guide that is great to hand to parents on parents evening for students in Y10 and Y11. It gives advice on how students should prepare for exams (prior, on the day and in the exam) and how parents can assist with these preparations. Used with great success
This informative and inspirational 41 slide assembly is the perfect way to support your students through remote learning and can be delivered to any/every year group remotely or in person (if possible). There is easily enough here for 2 assemblies if needed.
The Assembly covers:
• What is remote learning?
• Why is education important?
• Mental health stats from last lockdown
• What is mental health?
• 8 top tips to look after mental health whilst remote learning
• 15 top tips on how to make the most of remote learning
• Reflection
• Video’s delivering key messages to support the assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
This informative 28 slide assembly looks at discrimination. It looks at what discrimination is, discrimination throughout history and how students can stop discrimination.
it focuses on:
• Definition
• Different forms of discrimination
• Discrimination throughout history – videos from the Holocaust, slavery and apartheid.
• Famous people who have fought discrimination
• Discrimination in our world today
• Top tips to tackle discrimination
• Educational and inspirational videos to choose from
• Reflection
• Tutor Time activity
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This 22 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group to highlight the importance of looking after mental health with a focus on relaxation.
The assembly covers the following:
-What relaxation is.
-The benefits of relaxation on your health
-The negative impacts if you do not relax
-Top tips on how to relax
-Informative video’s
-Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This 23 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group. It gets students to understand how students are educated around the world. This assembly with challenge students to reflect on how fortunate they are to be receiving the education that they are.
This assembly covers:
A brief look at education in different countries
Different Journeys to school (video)
School lunches around the World (video)
Issues facing education opportunities
Education in different countries (video)
Some key facts regarding education around the World.
Tutor Time follow up task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This 18 slide assembly can be delivered to any year group to highlight the importance of homework and the evidence as to why is supports our learning.
This assembly covers:
Good or Bad argument
Most common excuses for not having your homework
Reasons why we need to complete homework
Informative video
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This 26 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group. It gets students to understand what good manners are and why they are so important.
The assembly covers the following:
What are good manners?
Why are they so important?
What do manners say about you?
Manners in the UK
Manners around the World
Impact of good manners
Impact of bad manners
Informative video
Personal Reflection questions
Follow Up tutor time task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
This inspirational 33 slide assembly focuses on accepting yourself, accepting others, accepting challenges in your life, accepting responsibility and accepting life. It gives students tips on how to demonstrate acceptance in these areas whilst inspiring them to take action.
This assembly covers:
Definition of acceptance
Accepting yourself (including: what it means, how to tips and inspirational video)
Accepting others (including: what it means, how to tips and inspirational video)
Accepting Responsibility (including: what it means and how to tips)
Accepting challenges (including: what it means and how to tips)
Accepting life (including: what it means and inspirational video)
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This is a great 20 slide assembly to deliver to students that are going through the options process. Selecting your GCSE subjects is a tough decision. This assembly helps guide students in making their decision with tops tips and advice. It also looks at Attainment 8 and explains it in a child friendly way as well as looking at the implications of their decisions on their future.
The assembly includes:
Attainment 8 explained
How will my choices impact my future?
Top Tips for selecting what subjects you choose (including: informative video, do what you enjoy, do not follow friends, talk to others, etc.)
Personal reflection question
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This thought-provoking 17 slide assembly focuses on what students would like to achieve (other than grades) in their life time. It will inspire students to create their own bucket list and get them thinking about experiences outside of the classroom.
This assembly covers:
History of the term ‘kicking the bucket’
What is a bucket list?
Why create one and what could be included?
Inspirational video
Bucket list idea’s
Second inspirational video
Personal Reflection questions
Follow up Tutor Time Task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
This is engaging 20 slide assembly ) looks at the history and traditions of Halloween and at fear itself. It also gives tips on how students can overcome fear.
The assembly includes:
History or Halloween
Halloween in the UK
Halloween around the World
What is Fear?
Symptoms of fear
Weird Phobia’s
Top Tips for overcoming fear
Personal reflection question
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
This thought provoking 26-slide assembly is perfect to deliver at anytime, especially with those children that are active on social media. This assembly will challenge students to consider the impact of online hate and what they can do to stop it.
The Assembly covers:
• What is online hate?
• Why is it dangerous?
• Statistics
• Forms of online hate
• Online hate and the law
• Top Tips
• Informative videos, reflection and Tutor Time Activity
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.